Astros for 4-6 Year-Olds
Welcome to our VERVE Martial Arts for Kids program
specifically designed for that super special age group – those aged 4-6yrs
Our VERVE Astros classes are unique to many other martial arts programs in that they are built on more than just kicking and punching, they are built on developing fundamental but super valuable skills including –
Co-ordination • Flexibility
But also life skills such as –
Developing friendships
Communication skills
Goal setting and more
In addition, with our core values and focus on listening, practicing, and hard work we have created a brand new VERVE Astros syllabus (2021) and coloured belt system –
White with a Black Stripe
White with a Red Stripe
White with a Blue Stripe
White with a Green Stripe
White with a Yellow Stripe
The first belt is actually a white belt that they will receive with their uniform, then they have 5 strategically progressive and challenging grades as above with the final one being white with a yellow stripe – incidentally the very first grade in many of our mainstream martial arts programs like Taekwondo, Karate or Kickboxing!
Astros belts will be awarded every 8 weeks subject to attendance, good focus and listening skills as well as suitable hard work & progression, this will obviously be done at the senior instructor’s discretion.
Belt upgrades are typically done at the beginning of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
Note that there is no charge for belt upgrades in Astros as we recycle the belts by presenting the highest grade first then passing their previous belt onto the next student/grade and so on.
Also, note that no licence membership is required until they join the mainstream class but they do need to complete a health starter form prior to their first session.
So hopefully, with this short introduction, you are ready to get involved in our VERVE Astros we look forward to seeing you all in class soon and look forward to helping you enjoy your journey to black belt & beyond with VERVE!
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